blog put on hold
Hi, it's been eight months since the last time I wrote a blog post. Well, everything went well, except my mood to write something here. Foremost, I want to provide something useful for you guys like previews, both the narrative and pictured. I love how frequently updated the Museu dos Patches blog. But there are things that I want to change from it. I want to give previews, whether it's the team list, GFX, picture, or video. But, I got demotivated to do it. I'm unhappy with how time-consuming it was. More than that, I still have a ton of assignments in my first year at college and other responsibilities outside of my academics. When I'm not in the mood of doing my uni work, I'm just straight playing the current PES/FIFA, not even a single thought of taking care of this blog or my YouTube account. So I decided from this day, I put my blog into an indefinite hiatus and focused more on my also-forgotten YouTube account. Well, I suggest you to subscribe it so you'll...